Thursday, October 1, 2009

Its all About Relationship!!!

The other day I had a day off and thought, "hmm what can I do or who can I talk to that I didnt know before to add a nother person to my network of friends and associates?" I decided to go to the mall about 5 minutes from my house. Its no secret that I am in the business of helping people make money or save money with my business opportunity and product line. I remembered that in the mall there are kiosks that are owned by entreprenuers who are looking to make additional income if at all possible. I went and passed out a few of my opportunity handbills, and said hello to a couple of folks.
All of a sudden a lady comes up to me and asks for my hand, I obliged just to see what she wanted to do with it (I thought it was a cologne pitch, honestly lol). She proceeded to shine up one of my fingernails with this tool. The product was wonderful to say the least, and if I had my gall, I would have purchased it on the spot as a gift to my wife. I decided instead, and said "let me see how bad she wants this sell?" I gave her my card to email me info on her product.

I wasnt being mean, I wanted to test out some of the things I have read so far about growing a business. We all know in marketing, and in business in general, if you can establish a relationship with a customer that business tends to repeat itself. I went back and handed the woman my card, and told her to "email me and I'll buy your product" (it was really good, I was amazed by it).
She looked at the card, kinda glanced over it with this look of "what is this for?". She then walked away off to the next person walking the mall. I dont know what she did with my card, but to this day I have not recieved an email from her about her product, which I was ready to buy btw.

Why is this important?

What happened there showed me that to her, I was worth enough for her to want my money, but not worth enough for a business relationship. So instead of potentially having a person who is in marketing, who has several blogs and message boards, active on Facebook and Twitter, and is a leader in my local church, raving about her product to my friends, family, and network, she got nothing in return, all by simply ignoring my card. I would give my right arm if I could have a customer say to me, "yes I want your product, all you have to do is send me an email!!" They would probably get more than one email from Furthermore, when she gets new products out, she would have had an avenue to send out product updates to me, I probably would have gotten some of those also.
I learned a great lesson that day, as the customer mind you, that the businesses who are best able to establish relationships are going to be the most successful ones. This is imperative in todays climate where small businesses are taking it on the chin everyday from either more competition or consumers who arent consuming.

Business Is A Way To Make Money But Is More Than a Money Grab
I learned that even when I am passing out my handbills, cold calling, or simply walking into a business and asking to meet with the owner, my mindset should not be simply: ask to demonstrate the product- proceed to demonstrate the product- then ask for sale". That is the money grab method, and it is fast going extinct in todays marketplace. In some cases this may work, but it is more advantageous to have a little exchange between you and the person. They may not be interested in your product or opportunity, and thats fine, because every person is not the type of customer you want. However, they may refer you to someone who is interested, simply because you took time to exchange with them, or maybe get their information, and be a real human and not creepy sales guy.

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